Sunday, 1 October 2017

ये प्यास है बड़ी...

ये प्यास है बड़ी।

*The greatest sin we commit is surviving*

As children, we are told to study, get high scores to secure a good job and get settled. Next comes marriage (especially to keep your parents and relatives content and keep the enthusiasm alive) and kids and life goes on. Ask someone when will they be happy and they would fill up diary pages with "ifs and buts". 

But we fail to realize one simple fact. Our true joy is our deepest sorrow unmasked. While being busy surviving, we fail to live our lives. We adjust to mediocrity sitting comfortably on cozy couches. We fail every single day in everything we do because we don't raise the bar, we stop the single most important activity - we stop dreaming. Our thirst dies out simply because of lack of action.

Recently an ad has been doing rounds all over internet and TV.
"तुम नहीं समझोगे, क्योंकि अपने से कभी perfection नहीं मांगा, तुम नहीं समझोगे क्योंकि discipline भी तुम एक app की तरह download करोगे"

But today I challenge you. I challenge you to start dreaming again. Increase your thirst and make sure you find a way of quenching it. And since I am a dancer at heart, we believe in expressing ourselves and dancing as if no one else watching. Start living on your terms. Break your false ego. Lift the curtain from the myriad of regret. Create your own reality.

जिसे ढूंढता है तू हर कहीं, जिसे पाना चाहता है हर पल
झांक कर देख अपने अंदर, कर बुलंद अपने हौसले
मंजिलों से राहें ढूंढते चल, कर हासिल वो शिखर कि ख़ुदा भी झुक जाए तेरे जुनून के सामने।

After all....ये प्यास है बड़ी।