Thursday, 7 June 2018

In the End...

अरे, अभी तो Party शुरू हुई है...

“I tried so hard
And got so far
But in the end
It doesn't even matter”

Probably, these are the only lines I remember from the outrageously hit Linkin Park song.
It makes me wonder why endings are considered so difficult. Well, one, because endings require the painstakingly last bit of strength and patience you have got. Secondly, in the end, it just does not matter!

Confused? Let’s look at this from an upside-down angle. You have a goal and you work really hard towards accomplishing it, only to realise that it was just paving the way for something better and bigger. As soon as you complete the task, it ceases to be of any importance. What you remember is probably the journey and what you learnt. When something is complete, you move on to the next knowing that you have to start from scratch.

You set out to climb a mountain and reach the top panting, get mesmerized by the view and then come back only to challenge yourself to another more daunting adventure. For all the bodybuilders, the moment you complete your reps with a 25Kg dumbbell, you start eyeing the 30Kg monster lying in peace on the shelf. Its human nature and an infinite loop. We are never satisfied and this greed is what drives us to do things never done before.

So get out there, crush your goal and find a new one because,

In the End, It is just the beginning
and after all the hard work,

अभी तो Party शुरू हुई है......

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